Hi, my name is Debbie Cook and I am the Inclusion Leader and SENCO.
It is my role to ensure that the day to day management of children with SEND (Special, Educational, Needs and Disability) and LAC (Looked after Children) is effective and adequate support is given in order to overcome their barriers to learning. Provision for each child is individual depending upon their needs. This may include an appropriate intervention with the aim of closing or bridging gaps in their learning or a specific resource they may require to access learning. Advice is sought for children with complex needs from external agencies if required. I work closely with a range of external agencies and ensure advice is implemented to best support pupils; these include: SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health Team), LCI (Learning, Communication and Interaction Team), Early Years Support Team, Autism Support, Visual Impairment Team, Hearing Impairment Team, Speech and Language, Health professionals and ADHD solutions who offer further support in each given area.
If you have any concerns regarding your child, please feel free to contact the school office on 0116 2330666 or come in to make an appointment. I am available Monday to Thursday morning. If I am unavailable, I will endeavour to be in touch as soon as possible.
Bina Chudasama – Pastoral Support Lead
Hi, my name is Bina Chudasama and I am the Pastoral Lead and one of the Deputy Safeguarding Leads. I am based in the RB2L room.
The RB2L room is based at the heart of the school and supports all children during their day to regulate, to talk, to feels calm and safe and to always understand that help is available.
My role is to ensure that all children who attend Knighton Mead feel happy and safe. Ensuring that all children and families feel welcome and supported. Some children experience problems or difficulties which may have an impact on their learning and my aim is to provide these children with support to overcome these barriers. This support could be through working 1-1 with a child on a specific need, through being a listening ear, or share any concerns, or a long-term development group where issues/concerns are supported by a more in-depth intervention.
I offer support covering a wide range of issues including mental health support as the Mental Health First Aider and the Senior Mental Health Lead, understanding trauma, attachment, anger management, improving self-confidence, self-esteem and bereavement, as well as working with children identified with specific social, emotional and mental health difficulties. As the Pastoral Lead, I also offer sibling group work, other small group work that I do focuses on communication, friendships and being a good role model.
Alongside our character muscles, I believe that all children should have enrichment experiences that can support this and to develop their character further by running after school clubs, breakfast club and working with organisations that can support our children in positive ways across all year groups.
I also work with families and support them with working with external agencies such as Early Help, Social Care, Police and support some families with strategies for home. As well as this, supporting a detailed transition package with our local secondary schools to ensure a supportive transition takes place for the Year 6s.
If you feel your child may benefit from working with me, or you have any further questions, I am available every day. Alternatively, please contact the office on 0116 233 0666, or mention it to your child’s teacher, who will let me know.
Hi, my name is Julia Dempsey and I am the Attendance Officer at Knighton Mead.
My role is to ensure that all children attend Knighton Mead Primary Academy regularly and on time. Some children experience problems or difficulties which may impact on their attendance and my aim is to provide these children and their families with support to overcome these barriers.
We can respond to the needs of the pupils and their families through; informal meetings and telephone calls, signposting families to further information, working in partnership with the Education Welfare Service and organising rewards and incentives to encourage good and improving attendance. Finally, we are here to help families ensure that their children are achieving their full academic potential by regularly attending school.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please feel free to contact me. I am available every day and am based in the school office.
Hello, my name is Rebecca Smith. I am the Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Curriculum Lead at Knighton Mead Primary Academy.
My role is to ensure the welfare and safety of all children who attend Knighton Mead Primary Academy. At Knighton Mead, we believe that pupils have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse; where staff are vigilant for signs of any pupil in distress and are confident about applying our safeguarding processes to avert and alleviate any such problems. Through regular training, all staff are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to safeguard pupils from all forms of abuse.
As Curriculum Lead, I ensure that we have a broad and balance curriculum which provides children with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of a wide range of concepts in a range of subjects. Children at Knighton Mead are taught about staying safe online and in the real world, how to keep their bodies and minds healthy and what to do if they have questions or are unsure about something.
Through our bespoke PSHCE curriculum we provide children with experiences and exposure to a wide range of social issues, cultures and beliefs. We use Oracy tools such as Votes for Schools to ensure that all children are able to articulate their feelings, beliefs, opinions and concerns. We also ensure that pupil voice is well represented across the academy through our Primary Leadership Team.
Sometimes, we may need to share information and work in partnership with other professionals when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s welfare, they will record their concern, and any observations or conversations, and report to one of the DSLs as soon as possible.
If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our academy, please talk to myself or one of my deputy safeguarding leads immediately. The Deputy Safeguarding leads in the school are Sarah Lambert, Deb Cook and Bina Chudasama. If you ever have any questions or concerns about the curriculum, please come and speak to me. You can make an appointment with the school office or speak to me on the gate at the beginning or end of the day.